These handouts are designed to give you an overview of hyperlexia, echolalia, and gestalt processing and cover the following topics:
- What is hyperlexia? and signs of hyperlexia
- What is echolalia? and types of echolalia
- Functions of echolalia
- Echolalia modeling tips
- Gestalt processing overview
- Comparison of analytic and gestalt language processing
- Stages of natural language acquisition
- Overivew of hyperlexia, echolalia, and gestalt processing
- Overview of things about hyperlexia that make more sense when you know about gestalt processing and echolalia
- Hyperlexia, echolalia, and gestalt processing references page
Parents can use these to educate others on hyperlexia. Therapists or other professionals can use these to share with parents after identifying a child as hyperlexic.
You'll also receive a bonus echolalia tracking sheet (both printable and digital).
**This is a digital product that you can download immediately after purchase.**