About Us

And Next Comes L is your go-to resource for all things hyperlexia.

We believe in empowering kids and their families by providing better printable resources and social stories.

Tired of the same ableist nonsense, crappy clipart, and incomplete text found in most social stories, I set out on a mission to give our kids better social stories.

Stories that are incredibly detailed and well thought out (I try to capture every single step possible!). Stories that are respectfully written and build independence. Stories that feature full color photographs with diverse children (because representation matters!). Stories that stand out.

You'll also find fun activity ideas for hyperlexic and autistic learners including more of our popular I spy games and alphabet or number themed ideas.

To learn more about our values and mission, click here. You can also email me at dyan@andnextcomesL.com if you have questions.

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