Everyday strategies to help children with hyperlexia learn language and social skills!
One of the biggest challenges for me, as a parent of a child with hyperlexia, has been finding practical resources and ideas that target hyperlexic children. Or any books on hyperlexia, for that matter. There's just not much available. So I wrote the book that I wish I would have been given right after my son's diagnosis: a practical guide that helps me target the skills that he needs help with. The book that's filled with strategies and ideas that we've tried, tested, and used for years to help my son finally move beyond the letters.
This book is intended for parents and educators who have a child or work with a child who has hyperlexia. The suggestions in this book are geared towards small children, but may be relevant for older children and preteens as well. It does not cover teenage or adult topics such as puberty, relationships, or driving. Parents of children with autism, without hyperlexia, may also find the strategies and accommodations in this book helpful. However, the focus is primarily on hyperlexic children and their unique skills and challenges.
This book features:
- Practical strategies that can be implemented today to help your child build their language and social skills
- Tips and suggestions that have actually been successful with hyperlexic children
- Written by a mother of a child diagnosed with hyperlexia, hypernumeracy, and autism
- Access to relevant resources such as apps and printables to address specific challenges
- Organized into four main themes: (1) social skills, (2) speech, language, and reading, (3) practical life, and (4) other
- The list of topics addressed in this book are ones that other parents of hyperlexic children helped to compile
- Covers 30 different challenges and issues specific to hyperlexia, including:
- Expanding play beyond letters
- Awkward social skills
- Losing at a game
- Emotions and overreactions
- Impulse control
- Taking turns
- Poor or awkward conversation skills
- Pronoun reversals
- Language comprehension
- Expressive speech delays and echolalia
- WH questions
- Literal thinking
- Interest in other languages
- Selective listening
- Finding appropriate materials for their emotional level
- Finding appropriate reading material
- Leaving the house
- Mealtime struggles
- Getting dressed
- Bath time
- Personal hygiene
- Personal safety
- Sleep
- Potty training
- Travelling and road trips
- Getting distracted by letters and numbers everywhere
- Sensory issues
- Obsession with iPads and technology
- Entering school
- Accommodations for the classroom
**This is a digital product that you can download immediately after purchase.**